Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

During Parker's 3rd month of life he has had a few "Firsts":

He got in the pool for the first time on 4th of July. He loved it!

This month he had his first tornado warning, which was more frightening for me than him. As a precaution, I placed a cell phone charger, diapers, wipes, flashlights, his car seat, a bottle, formula and a camera (haha) in the closet. We were prepared just in case it decided to turn our way!

TJ and I started leaving him in the nursery during Sunday School and church. For some reason, this was very difficult for me. When TJ and I dropped him off I had so many instructions for the nursery keepers that the sweet lady said (without sarcasm), "If you want me to come get you when he wakes up I will." I'll be honest, while sitting in church all I could think about was him. Is he crying? Did they burp him? Is he wondering where his mommy and daddy are? After the closing hymn I was the first one out the door to go check on him. When I walked in he was sound to sleep in his moses basket with a full (burped) belly. We truly do have the sweetest nursery workers and I haven't had a problem dropping him off since. I do still go check on him in between church and Sunday School and I'm not sure if that will ever end. :) 

He met someone who keeps him distracted for a good 15-20 minutes. We love this guy! His name is Mr. Ceiling Fan. Do you know what I can get done in 15 minutes these days? I can shower…eat…wash bottles…clean....
All those other babysitters - play mat, swing, mobile, toys - are nothing compared to Mr. Fan. His ability to entertain our son is supreme. We’ll be using him for as long as possible…

Thursday, July 7, 2011


"A mother always has to think twice. Once for herself, and once for her child." -Sophia Loren

From the second Parker was born (well, more like since I found out I was pregnant) my brain has been on overload, constantly thinking for two. Anywhere we go, anything we do, TJ and I first think how it will impact or effect Parker. His schedule has become a priority in the family. TJ and I still get to do lots of things we want, but we are constantly planning and making decisions for three. We are always thinking about Parker. Is he eating enough, sleeping enough, too hot, too cold, having enough tummy time? etc, etc, etc.... I worry if he's crying, and I worry the same if he's "too" quiet. His daddy and I just love him so much and want to take care of him the best we can.

Motherhood has completely exceeded my expectations. I knew I'd love it, but I never imagined it would be THIS amazing.

Parker Wayne is the most perfect, adorable, fun, sweet, little person in the world. I am so lucky to get to see him change and grow every day. Each day he does something new and I feel like everything new he does is a milestone.

Here are some stats on the 3rd month of our baby boy's life!

*He can now control his head
*Love's to watch moving objects (Molly)
*Looks at bright, colored objects with interest (He loves The Price is Right)
*Plays with his hands; clasp and unclasp them
*He turns his head towards sound
*He smile's in response rather than spontaneously (I love this)
*He laughs out loud
*He responds by making sounds when I talk to him
*Gets excited at the sight of his bottle or at the sound of me shaking it up
*He loves kicking his feet like he is riding a bicycle (this is a flashback to when he was in utero)
*He enjoys when TJ or I read to him. He sits there like he's actually listening so attentively. It's pretty cute.

We are so thankful for a healthy, happy family!